It’s the Rainbow Radish’s Birthday!

Our blog is one year old!

The world didn’t quite know about us just yet.  It would still be months before the publish button was clicked and actually “released” into the cyber world. However, it was one year ago, February 29, 2016, that the Rainbow Radish was officially created.  The fact that I chose leap day was no coincidence.  I took a leap.  A big one.

Creating a blog was very exciting and scary.  I wanted to share with others.  I wanted to provide opportunities to moms and families to be together, have fun, and make life a little easier and a little more fun.  (No pressure there, right?)  I had thought about it all long time.  And finally, I made that leap.  I registered my site name and took care of the basic things I needed to run a blog.

For months I learned whatever I could.  I took classes, read books, watched YouTube videos on how to set things up, and began writing.  I also banged my head on the table (literally…and it hurt) and cried and got frustrated.  It was hard.  Behind the scenes I had no idea what I was doing.  People go to school for years for this stuff.  I was stretched way beyond my comfort zone.

It had been a loooong time since I had been stretched this far.  Basically, I was starting my own new business.  I was committed in time and money.  I didn’t just want to blog here and there.  I wanted this to be important to people and that meant being reliable.  Not only was I spending a lot of time on this new adventure, I also still needed to be a homeschooling mom and attempt to keep up with running a home, and that meant figuring how to balance it all.  (Still working on that one.)

“What if it all failed?”, I asked myself. “It will be okay.”, I replied.  “What if my mom, dad, daughter, and aunt are the only ones that read my posts or pay attention at all?”, I quizzed.  “Then I’ll write for my mom, dad, daughter, and aunt.”, I responded.  (I am really good at talking to myself.)  I have worked and studied.  I have tried new things and some of them have failed.  I have lost work that I have spent many hours on.  I have learned and continue to do so.  I decided not to lose too much sleep over anything because it isn’t worth it.  It has been through much of this process that I understand that things “will be okay” even more.  It pretty much became my motto.

Don’t you agree though?  Most of us could use a little more adventure and a few more risks?  Pushing your comfort zone gets your adrenaline psyched up a bit and more excited to succeed.  Truly, if we think of the worst things that could possibly happen in an outcome…usually they aren’t that crazy bad.

Not only did I want to encourage and support other families, I wanted to show my kids that it is cool to try new things; you have to work hard at things and don’t quit.  I don’t want them to have fear in situations where fear really doesn’t have a place.  Truly, it wasn’t just them I wanted to show…I needed to show myself too.

I’d truly like to thank those that have supported this adventure.  Friends that provide encouragement and readers that share, leave comments, and come back to find more.  I’d like to continue to grow.  I wish to continue to share and provide benefit for others.  I have more ideas and thoughts than could ever be used up, but please feel free to share any ideas you have.  This site is for you and I’ll gladly take any input.  Sign up for our newsletter and please share with others.

I have in my “ideas notebook” for a future post of a more detailed process about starting a blog, but if you’d have any questions before that, I’d gladly share.  Just let me know.

Thank you for being part of our Rainbow Radish family.

Happy Birthday to the Rainbow Radish!  Here’s to more fun and awesome stuff!  Come along and join us.