Here’s a fun, simple family night for you. Bonus – prep work is minimal!

Grab some frozen pizzas, we chose six different brands, and did a “blind” taste test session. We decided to stick with all pepperoni pizzas. You could vary it however you want. Make it even easier and have pizza delivery from a local restaurants or take-out, and you don’t even have to bake them.

I baked and kept secret which pizzas were which. As soon as I took them out of the packaging, I wrote a number on the back of the paper and when the pizzas came out of the oven they had a corresponding piece of paper with number to be placed on the table.

We could only bake 2 pizzas a time, so as soon as those were ready they tasted and rated those as the next ones baked. I put a toothpick in whichever one in the oven was the “odd” number…because it was just one more way to help keep more organized and not forget.

Each pizza was cut into 16ths so they didn’t fill up real fast and then went back for more if more tastes were needed….or wanted.

Each person was in charge of grabbing a piece of scratch paper and drawing their own ratings sheet. You could type up and print off a sheet for everyone and you can make the rating appropriate for age and ability level. We decided to rate each category from 1-5. (Emmitt went rogue and went from 1-10). Each pizza in each category was a separate rating…so in theory all pizzas could have gotten the same score in any given category. Then at the end they each gave a rating of 1-6 for overall favorite, 1 being the best and 6 the least liked. You could even eliminate a sheet or rating system and just try different ones and pick the winner.

We rated on:

  • Look/Appearance
  • Taste
  • Crunch
  • Sauce
  • Cheese
  • Crust

This was a lot of fun and I was thoroughly impressed at the detail and effort they gave to it. All in the name of fun. We had a mix of what turned out to be each person’s favorite. Interestedly, enough the kind we were typically buying didn’t score in anyone’s top half. Well, now we know. Hahaha.