Ice Breakers.  You know those activities you have to do at events and classes in the beginning to get to know each other?  I can hear your moans and groans (or maybe that is me I hear).  I understand their purpose, but mannn they are often awkward, uncomfortable, and boring.  You might even want to sneak out of the room until they are over (oh wait, maybe that is me again….)

With all noted, let me contradict myself and share with you my all time favorite Ice Breaker!  And you don’t have to be in class or even with new people to have fun with this.  I think you’ll have a comical time with your family and kids.  (I’ll give you some ideas, if you want to change title.)

Here are the fancy, smancy directions:

Come up with 2 things that are truthful about yourself and 1 lie about yourself.

Want me to repeat that?  Kiddin’.  I know you got it.  Let me expand a little though by giving a few examples.  I might say (and can you guess the lie?)

1.  Tacos are my favorite dinner. 

2.  I have a Masters Degree in Education – Family Involvement.  

3.   I have 3 states left on my goal to reach all 50 – Hawaii, California, and Washington)


1.  I have been ziplining in Alaska.

2.  I worked at Disney World for one summer.

3.  I kissed the Blarney Stone in Ireland, while hanging upside-down.

Are some ideas startin’ to come to mind?

You can do this verbally or have everyone write it down (could even have friends bring it pre-written, when they come for that fun party you’re going to throw…and that will really give them time to think.)  You’ll get to know interesting things about people – whether you’ve just met or known those peeps for years!  For those you know really well, they’ll have to think long and hard to come up with something to stump you.

There really is not wrong way to do it.  You can get as extravagant as you want.  You can keep all items within a theme or completely random.  You could even make it nothing about you and create a mini science research project about it.

Such as:

Pandas love to eat bamboo.  Pandas live naturally in Africa.  Baby pandas are about the size of a stick of butter when born.

(NOT TRUE:  Pandas live in China, not Africa.)

Humerus is a bone in your leg.   There is such thing as a “black tomato”.  California is the 31st state.

(NOT TRUE:  Humerus is a bone in your arm, not your leg.)

Don’t like the title?  No worries, name it whatever you’d like.  How about –

Two Facts, One Fiction or Two Facts and a Fiction

2 Real things and 1 Made up thing

 2 Truths and 1 Silly


This can even be a fun little game to play online on Facebook or Instagram – see what your friends can come up with and see how well you know about each other.  It takes a little time to think, so give everyone time when you play – especially kiddos.  Give them a some guidance the few times through.  Have fun and let me know how it goes!