To clarify, I am not blocking you and your why out. Nor am I avoiding or being negative about hearing your why. I am blocking out the so-called experts in stating that your WHY is where IT. ALL. lands.

What’s your WHY?

Remember your WHY?

Is your WHY strong enough?

Your WHY isn’t strong enough.

Stop. Stop. STOP!

I can’t take it one more time, can you?

Let’s back up a short stint, in case you aren’t familiar with this “phrase”.

In going forth into any situation, especially the ones that you don’t want to do or don’t know how to do…your WHY is often boldly noted as the REASON you are doing the thing.

Therefore, if your WHY is “strong enough” or meaningful enough it’ll be enough to pull you through the frustrations. It will keep you motivated and focused and therefore leading to success merely from the determination of that your WHY.

Great. I get it. I do. But…

Here’s the thing, especially as moms, there is a gooood chance our why is our family. Our why is for our kids to be happy and safe. And….there is an even better chance, (I am willing willing to bet.) that your WHY is Why you do almost everything.

So for others to egg us on that our WHY isn’t strong enough for us to accomplish certain dreams and goals is flat out bogus! All it does it lead to guilt, shame, and failure. That is not good for anyone. And I am done with it.

I am not at all opposed to acknowledging your WHY, but if it is not actually creating a positive sense of ambition or realistic drive to complete a goal, then it’s creating more chaos than good.

If you’re ‘not driven’ by your WHY, it’s okay. It’s really, really okay. And once you set aside the guilt and feeling that you aren’t being successful for the right reasons, you’ll allow yourself to be more open to what will.

Would like to hear more on topics like this? Or a continuation of how move beyond your WHY? Let me know in the comments.