When you see on a blog or website share that it, “MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS”. Do you know that means? Do you wonder if it is a good thing or a not so good thing? I’m here to clear it all up for ya. Feel free to watch/listen to the video or just read on.

Affiliate links, also known as referral links are a connection between a customer and a product, service, or company. You often see these links in blogs, on websites, and social media, but referrals can be in person or by other means too.

The “affiliate” is a person that has signed up to work with a particular product, service, or company to share about that product, service, or company. In turn, the company may likely compensate the affiliate, the “sharer” by paying them money or giving them products/services as a discounted or free rate. Sometimes, the customers will even get a bonus promo code or discount too. That’s cool.

Websites and blogs are supposed to disclose if they use affiliate links. Sometimes they are not noted, but I usually see that at just an oversight. At least for the sites I tend to visit, which tend to be written by other well intending moms wanting to share their information and may not be tech savvy or up on the latest ever changing blogging details. I also tend to just make the assumption that any link I click from a blog or website is a affiliate/referral link – and that’s not a bad thing.

Now, why should you, as a blog reader or customer use those links?….Well, let me share my opinion.

Because it’s the nice thing to do! Really it’s that simple. If someone shares a link, it is most likely for a product or service they have actually used themselves, found benefit from, and are now trying benefit others by sharing. Also, the affiliate, the one sharing, is using the connection from customer to product or service as means of making some income.

Here’s the BEST part. As a customer, using a link – it costs you NOTHING in addition to what you are already going to pay for the item. NOTHING. But, the affiliate gets some sort of kickback from the company. So, you just helped them and you got what you wanted.

Why help them? Well…most likely you are on their blog, learning from their free content – the least you can do is buy the item/s from their referral links. That is of course, IF, IF you are going to buy the item anyway. If you’re not going to buy it there is no pressure, no stress. But if you are, you might as well be nice. Remember it costs you nothing. I’m really not a fan of those that consume all the learning and sharing from one person and then go purchase through someone else’s or no referral link at all. As my daughter would say, “That’s not cool Bro.”

There are referral programs for many things. It might even be worth, if you are talking to someone that is sharing about something they love and you decide you want to purchase it too – to ask them if they have any sort of referral link. Or if you have one, totally share with people that you have one and mentioned, “If you decide to buy that thing, I’d totally appreciate it if you used my link.” Right? Right.

So be happy when you click and purchase from someone’s link you are being helpful and considerate. Be glad they shared and encouraged you are sharing back.

That being said, we do use affiliate links in our blog, on social media (like Facebook and Instagram), and YouTube. We share things we have used or like and want others to be aware of them too. They may just happen to like the same stuff. Cool right? You are never obligated to purchase through anyone’s links. Our links may direct you to a product on Amazon or another company. You’ll get what you wanted and we get some benefit too.

We very much appreciate when people choose to purchase items from our links and we thank you for that.